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#1  Today in History - Jan. 5

By The Associated Press Wed Jan 4, 7:01 PM ET

Today is Thursday, Jan. 5, the fifth day of 2006. There are 360 days left in the year.

Today's Highlight in History:

On Jan. 5, 1896, the Austrian newspaper Wiener Presse reported the discovery by German physicist Wilhelm Roentgen of a type of radiation that came to be known as X-rays.

On this date:

In 1589, Catherine de Medici of France died at age 69.

In 1781, a British naval expedition led by Benedict Arnold burned Richmond, Va.

In 1895, French Capt. Alfred Dreyfus, convicted of treason, was publicly stripped of his rank. (He was ultimately vindicated.)

In 1925, Nellie T. Ross succeeded her late husband as governor of Wyoming, becoming the first female governor in U.S. history.

In 1933, the 30th president of the United States, Calvin Coolidge, died in Northampton, Mass., at age 60.

In 1949, in his State of the Union address, President Truman labeled his administration the Fair Deal.

In 1970, Joseph A. Yablonski, an unsuccessful candidate for the presidency of the United Mine Workers of America, was found murdered with his wife and daughter at their Clarksville, Pa., home. UMWA President Anthony Boyle and three others were convicted of the killings.

In 1981, British police charged truck driver Peter Sutcliffe with murder; he was later convicted of killing 13 women as the "Yorkshire Ripper."

In 1994, Thomas P. "Tip" O'Neill, former speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, died in Boston at age 81.

In 1998, Sonny Bono, the 1960s pop star-turned-politician, was killed when he struck a tree while skiing in South Lake Tahoe, Calif.; he was 62.

Ten years ago: An end to a three-week-old partial government shutdown was in sight as the House acted to restore the jobs and wages of hundreds of thousands of federal workers. Lawyers for
Hillary Rodham Clinton released sought-after billing records that were discovered the day before in a White House office. Japanese Prime Minister Tomiichi Murayama resigned.

Five years ago: In a blizzard of last-minute executive orders,
President Clinton curtailed road building and logging on federal forest land.

One year ago:
President Bush opened a new drive for caps on medical malpractice awards, contending the limits would lower health care costs. The bodies of 18 young Iraqi Shiites taken off a bus and executed in December 2005 were found in a field near Mosul. Cpl. Wassef Ali Hassoun, a Marine charged with desertion in
Iraq after mysteriously disappearing from his post was again declared a deserter — this time for failing to report to his U.S. base.

Today's Birthdays: Former Vice President Walter F. Mondale is 78. Actor Robert Duvall is 75. Football Hall-of-Fame coach Chuck Noll is 74. King Juan Carlos of Spain is 68. Talk show host Charlie Rose is 64. Actress-director Diane Keaton is 60. Rhythm-and-blues musician George "Funky" Brown (Kool and the Gang) is 57. Rock musician Chris Stein (Blondie) is 56. Actor Clancy Brown is 47. Singer Iris Dement is 45. Rock musician Kate Schellenbach (Luscious Jackson) is 40. Actress Heather Paige Kent is 37. Rock singer Marilyn Manson is 37. Actress January Jones is 28.

Thought for Today: "Wisdom is divided into two parts: (a) having a great deal to say, and (b) not saying it." — Anonymous.


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积分 3080
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注册 2009-5-21
来自 茱莉娅美体小铺
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