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标题: Google Facts & Fiction[ZT] [打印本页]

作者: 网普科技     时间: 2005-10-13 12:04 PM    标题: Google Facts & Fiction[ZT]

Fiction: Advertising on Google affects my rankings in the search results.
Fact: Advertising with Google neither helps nor hurts a site's rankings in Google.

Fiction: Joining a link exchange or "free-for-all" link program will boost my rankings.
Fact: Linking schemes will often do a site more harm than good. Many sites that advertise link-sharing programs not only offer little value, but will distribute your email address without your permission, resulting in an increased volume of unwanted mail.

Fiction: Automated "rank checking" programs are a good way for webmasters to save time and measure their online presence.
Fact: Automated rank checking programs violate Google's Terms of Service. They use server resources that should be spent on answering user requests. We strongly request that you not use rank checking programs to check your position on Google.

Fiction: A competitor can ruin a site's ranking somehow or have another site removed from Google's index.
Fact: There's almost nothing a competitor can do to harm your ranking or have your site removed from our index. Your rank and your inclusion are dependent on factors under your control as a webmaster, including content choices and site design.

Fiction: A website will be removed from Google's index if it's "over-submitted."
Fact: We don't require submission nor do we penalize sites for "over-submission." You're free to submit as often as you wish. However, given the nature of our inclusion process, your time is better spent improving the content and links of your site.

Fiction: Sites aren't included in Google's index if they use ASP (or some other non-html file type.)
Fact: At Google, we're able to index most types of pages and files with very few exceptions. A sampling of the file extensions we're able to index includes: pdf, asp, jsp, html, shtml, xml, doc, xls, ppt, rtf, wks, lwp, wri, swf, cfm, and php.

Fiction: Using a particular type of web server such as Apache or IIS will benefit a site's rankings.
Fact: Google does not distinguish between different web server types in our rankings; use whatever type of web server is best for your situation.

Fiction: If my pages load slowly, that will hurt my site's rankings.
Fact: How fast a page loads does not affect its ranking. However, if your web server or connection is down or causes a page fetch to fail, that page won't be indexed.
作者: 网普科技     时间: 2005-10-13 12:04 PM
关于 Google 的事实与谬识 (比如在 Google 上刊登广告是否会影响搜索排名)

谬识: 在 Google 上刊登广告会影响我在搜索结果中的排名。
事实: 在 Google 上刊登广告不会提高也不会降低网站在 Google 上的排名。

谬识: 加入链接交换或“免费链接站点”链接计划会提高我的排名。
事实: 链接计划对网站来说往往是弊大于利。许多宣传链接共享计划的网站不仅不会给您增添价值,而且还会不经您的许可分发您的电子邮件地址,导致垃圾邮件剧增。

谬识: 自动“排名检查”计划可以节省网站管理员的时间并帮助评估其在线影响。
事实: 自动“排名检查”计划违反了 Google 的服务条款。它们占用了本来可以用来响应用户请求的服务器资源。我们强烈要求您不要使用排名检查计划检查您在 Google 上的排名。

谬识: 竞争对手有办法破坏网站的排名或将其他网站从 Google 的索引中删除。
事实: 竞争对手几乎没有办法做任何损害您排名的事情,也不可能将您的网站从我们的索引中删除。您的网站管理员完全可以控制那些决定您是否列入我们索引以及网站排名的各种因素,例如,内容选择和网站设计。

谬识: 网站如果“提交次数过多”,就会从 Google 的索引中删除。
事实: 我们不要求提交网站,也不会因 “ 提交次数过多 ” 而对网站进行处罚。我们不限制您提交的次数。不过,根据我们将网站列入索引的机制,您不如把时间花在改善网站内容和链接上。

谬识: 使用 ASP(或其他一些非 HTML 文件类型) 的网站不会被列入 Google 索引中。
事实: Google 能将大多数网页和文件类型列入索引,只有少数例外。以下是我们可以列入索引的文件扩展名示例:pdf、asp、jsp、html、shtml、xml、 cfm、doc、xls、ppt、rtf、wks、lwp、wri、swf、cfm 和 php。

谬识: 使用特定类型的 Web 服务器(如 Apache 或 IIS)可以提高网站的排名。
事实: 不同 Web 服务器类型对在 Google 排名没有影响,请根据您的情况选择 Web 服务器类型。

谬识: 网页下载速度缓慢会降低网站的排名。
事实: 网页的下载速度不会影响其排名。不过,如果您的 Web 服务器或连接断开造成网页提取失败,此网页将无法被列入索引。

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